Weightloss Sunday!


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Don't sleep more on Sunday, don't eat more on holidays. Get up early. To get Sunlight do morning walk. Start your day with these two yoga-asanas as many times as you can. It depends on your practice and health issues. Do less in the beginning and keep on increasing the number. Slow & Steady wins the race.

Two Weight loss yogas for this Sunday:

1.      1. Pawanmuktasana

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana or Wind-Relieving Pose

1.          It aids weight loss.
2.          It massages the intestines and other abdominal organs.
3.          It tones the arm, leg, and buttocks.
4.         It strengthens abdominal muscles and reduces belly fat. 
5.          It promotes digestion and relieves constipation.

6.          It strengthens the back.

2. Uttanpadasana
Benefits of Uttanpadasana:
Increasing Blood and Reducing weight,
Prevents Acidity, 
Indigestion and Constipation, 
Cures Back Pain, 
Strengthens the Abdominal Organs, 
Improve the Function of Reproductive Organs, 
Improve the Function of Digestive Systems,

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